EP239: Thinking Risk Factors and Beyond


Welcome to my podcast. I am Doctor Warrick Bishop, and I want to help you to live as well as possible for as long as possible. I’m a practising cardiologist, best-selling author, keynote speaker, and the creator of The Healthy Heart Network. I have over 20 years as a specialist cardiologist and a private practice of over 10,000 patients.

In this podcast, Doctor Warrick Bishop discusses risk factors for heart disease that are often overlooked.

He explains that lipoprotein little a is a bad cholesterol that is linked to increased inflammation and the likelihood of clot formation, making it an important component of treatment. While testing for this cholesterol is currently costly, it is likely to become more accessible in the future.

Doctor Bishop also discusses the role of inflammation in heart disease and the importance of keeping inflammation down through diet, exercise, and good sleep. He notes that obstructive sleep apnea can drive inflammation and increase the risk of high blood pressure and atrial fibrillation. Socioeconomic factors can also impact cardiovascular risk, with those who are socioeconomically deprived having less access to healthcare and resources to manage risk factors. Finally, Doctor Bishop emphasizes the importance of diet in reducing cardiovascular risk, recommending extra virgin olive oil, nuts, and unprocessed meats while minimizing processed meats, sugars, salt, and trans fats.

  • Lipoprotein little a is a bad cholesterol that is linked to increased inflammation and the likelihood of clot formation, which can increase the chance of clots forming within the bloodstream and lead to heart attack.
  • Lipoprotein little a is disproportionately seen in patients who have heart attack similar events at an early age and tends to be passed on through families.
  • There is a cost behind testing lipoprotein little a, but in the next couple of years, we're likely to see a Medicare rebate for this testing which will make it accessible to everyone.
  • Inflammation is important in the process of coronary artery disease, and there have been a number of trials specifically looking at inflammation and its impact on cancer cardiovascular health.
  • Dr. Paul Ridker has led the charge in investigating inflammation and is involved in a trial looking specifically at interleukin 6, one of the inflammatory modulators, and an agent called Zilti Vecimab, which is directed specifically at that interleukin, that inflammatory compound.
  • Dr. Ridker's main therapeutic goal and strategy is to drive cholesterol levels down as the bang for the buck, getting cholesterol levels really low is greater than getting them up trying to treat or modify inflammation of its own.
  • One of the medications used in the CANTOS trial to lower inflammation was a thing called canakinumab, which is about $100,000 per year.
  • Colchicine, a drug used for gout, appears to have been beneficial in reducing the risk of heart attack in the appropriate patient cohort.
  • Obstructive sleep apnea is a big problem and can drive inflammation, dysfunctional blood vessels, and a heightened level of stress sympathetic nervous system, which will drive high blood pressure and atrial fibrillation and all the consequences of that into the longer term.
  •   Socioeconomic factors can affect cardiovascular risk, and we need to minimize processed meats, sugars, salt, and trans fats while increasing our intake of fruits, veggies, nuts, and extra virgin olive oil.

Australia, like the rest of the western world, has a heart problem.

Over 9 million people around the world die from heart disease every year.

Every 10 minutes, someone in Australia suffers a heart attack. And 21 lives are lost daily because of it.

The devastating fact in all of this is… 

Almost every one of those cases could have been prevented. 

This podcast is for anyone who wants to improve their health literacy and gain information to help them make the best decisions about their risk of heart attack, their cholesterol, blood pressure, risk of diabetes, weight loss and general health. Join me on my personal mission journey to prevent Heart Attack on a global scale. If you like this podcast, I would be honoured by a 5-star review and appreciate if you let your friends and family know about this podcast; you may even save the life of someone you love!

Are You at Risk of a Sudden Heart Attack? How Healthy is Your Heart? Really?

Heart disease is the #1 killer in the Western World. In Australia, someone dies every 28 minutes from heart disease. That’s 51 people a day. In the US, someone has a heart attack every 40 SECONDS! Fortunately, many heart attacks are preventable. However, regular exercise and eating healthy are no guarantee you won’t succumb to this silent killer.

  • 94% of Australians have at least One Risk Factor for heart disease.
  •  59% of Australians have been Touched by heart disease.
  •  Yet only 3% of Australians have had a Full Heart-Health Assessment in the past 12 months.

Do the free heart check today at www.virtualheartcheck.com.au

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The Healthy Heart Network is designed to help members:

  • understand the present state of their heart’s health
  • recognise their current level of risk of suffering a heart attack
  • Learn the positive steps they can take to improve their situation

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