COVID-19 and heart disease are not happy bedfellows but they can become companionable. As the pandemic rolls on, it is apparent that older people and those with comorbidities are more at risk than others. Those comorbidities include conditions related to long-term elevated cholesterol levels, such as previous heart attack or previous stroke. These raise concerns around how best to approach living in a virus-infected world.

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The two words, 'heart failure', send a spark of fear through the healthiest of people. What most people hear are the words 'heart attack' and, even in today's world of medical marvels, they spell F-E-A-R. Yet, those are two very different conditions.

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Do you know your risk of heart attack?... Heart disease is the number one killer in the Western World and can be prevented in many cases. Being fit and healthy is no guarantee that the arteries in your heart are in good shape. We believe you can prevent a heart attack. We can put in place strategies to reduce risk. We can literally plan to change your future... Take the free test online with immediate results on what to do next.

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Severe crushing chest pain hits you. OMG - a heart attack! Or is it?

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Heart failure, or cardiac failure, is a weighty condition in today's society, affecting approximately 480,000 people in Australia and more than 25 million world-wide. The Cinderella of cardiovascular disease; it is much less known than heart attack or stroke, yet heart failure (HF) is a serious condition with a worse outcome than most cancers. And it affects more women than men.

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Are you on a cholesterol lowering tablet? Are you happy you're on a cholesterol lowering tablet. Do you know exactly why you're on that tablet? Do you know what goal or objective, what levels you're aiming for with that tablet?

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I'm interested in trying to reduce cardiovascular events, or heart attack, for individuals. I've got a question for you today, though. What I'd like to know is whether you're engaged in looking after your own health and do you know what your up-to-date sugar levels are?

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Hi, my name's Doctor Warrick Bishop, and I'm the author of Know Your Real Risk of Heart Attack. Well, I've written this book to try and inform people about the information required to reduce their risk of a heart problem. So I'm going to ask you a quick question today. Do you know what your blood pressure is? Do you understand what blood pressure is? When did you last have your blood pressure checked? Why is your blood pressure important?

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Hi, my name's Doctor Warrick Bishop, and I'm the author of Know Your Real Risk of Heart Attack. I wrote this book because I really want to inform individuals of what questions they can ask their doctor to get the very best care that they need. This book is a little bit about the technology that is ahead of current guidelines that may be ahead of where your doctor currently has done the reading. I'm not sure about that, but that's the space that this book was aimed at filling.

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Hi, my name is Dr. Warrick Bishop. And you might be aware I'm the author of Know Your Real Risk of Heart Attack. My hope is to try and stop people dying from cardiovascular events, but we can't prevent people still needing some therapies.

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