Hi, my name's Dr. Warrick Bishop, and I'm a cardiologist with an interest in preventing people having heart attacks.

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Hi, did you know that coronary artery disease is still the single biggest disease killer in Australia and that over 50 people per day die from this condition?

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What if I told you that it was possible to literally take a picture of your heart and see what your risk of heart attack was? My name's doctor Bishop. I'm a cardiologist and I have a special interest in trying to prevent people having heart attacks in the first place.

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An email I received from my patient Michael, who was thankful for what he had in my book Have You Planned Your Heart Attack?

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Foremost preventative cardiologist Dr Warrick Bishop joins Dave to discuss Heart Scans and why they are important.

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It has been a long-known fact that cardiovascular disease and heart attack is and still remains the biggest killer of both men and women across the country, and that 25% of these affect people younger than 65 years of age is astounding. Especially, when an estimated 80% of these heart attacks are preventable.

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Next Tuesday I am running a live presentation called: "How $300 Could Save Your Life" and you are invited! There's every chance that you know someone who has had a heart attack out of the blue; a family friend, or you might have read about it in the media.

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30 million people around the world have it. Do you? You could, and not know it!

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We know it's a huge problem and turns up everywhere. It makes the front page of magazines. It's in social media and articles come up regularly on the news. So we know obesity is really a crisis. It is linked to type two diabetes. It is linked to cardiovascular disease. It is closely linked to high blood pressure, and clearly, it's a growing problem.

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I'm going to be working with a small group of people next week to help them figure out if they have a heart problem... and put them on a healthier lifestyle track (to fix it) if they do. Would you like to join us?

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